Non WDS pairs

Binaries not in the WDS.

T. V. Bryant III

Little Tycho Observatory

703 McNeill Road, Silver Spring, Md 20910


Using the UCAC4 astrometric catalog, a search for binaries not yet listed in the WDS was done. Seven of the unlisted binaries found were observed from the Little Tycho observatory and then manually checked using Aladin's DSS images.

A program was written to extract entries from the UCAC4 astrometric catalog 1. The criteria for a star to be extracted were:

  1. The star needed to be brighter than 13.0mv. This is the visual magnitude limit of my telescope.
  2. The star needed to be fainter than 8.0mv. Anything brighter has probably already found its way into the WDS.
  3. The star needed to have a proper motion greater than 2 mas/year. To be considered as a binary, a pair needs to show a good degree of common proper motion (CPM).
  4. The star needed to be north of the celestial equator. The Little Tycho observatory has a poor southern horizon, further compounded by severe light pollution in the south. Northern declinations are preferred.

A list of possible pairs was generated. These pairs were then manually checked using the images from Aladin/DSS 2 and proper motions from the UCAC4. Those pairs that had similar proper motions and were within 1.5mv of each other were then checked for prior WDS 3 membership. If they were absent from the WDS, they were chosen for observation.

The sky has been pretty well mined for CPM pairs, so those found are rather faint, in the 11 - 13 mv range.

In the images below, the UCAC4 data from the primary star are listed in the tables to the left of the image.

The images are from Aladin/DSS; all other data are from the UCAC4.

The magnitude sources are from APASS data or the UCAC4 fit model magnitude (F) data.

ρ refers to the separation of the pair in arc seconds.
θ refers to the position angle in degrees.
Both measures for each star were determined from the Aladin/DSS images using their "dist" tool.

"PM" refers to proper motion in milliarcseconds (mas) per year.

Primary RA, Dec: J200018:44:37.25 27:26:55.33
mv primary11.7 APASS
mv secondary12.9 APASS
Primary PM in RA1.4
Primary PM in Dec-12.2
Secondary PM in RA2.8
Secondary PM in Dec-5.2
Primary UCAC4 Number588-088331
Secondary UCAC4 Number588-068327

Primary RA, Dec: J200019:41:48.67 18:29:50.03
mv primary11.1 APASS
mv secondary11.7 F
Primary PM in RA10.7
Primary PM in Dec-4.3
Secondary PM in RA11.3
Secondary PM in Dec-5.2
Primary UCAC4 Number543-103360
Secondary UCAC4 Number543-103370

Primary RA, Dec: J200020:5:53.18 22:54:12.83
mv primary11.9 APASS
mv secondary12.7 F
Primary PM in RA3.6
Primary PM in Dec-11.9
Secondary PM in RA7.4
Secondary PM in Dec-9.7
Primary UCAC4 Number565-103726
Secondary UCAC4 Number565-103733

Primary RA, Dec: J200020:26:24.22 25:37:23.81
mv primary11.9 APASS
mv secondary12.5 F
Primary PM in RA19.7
Primary PM in Dec5.8
Secondary PM in RA22.2
Secondary PM in Dec3.2
Primary UCAC4 Number579-100187
Secondary UCAC4 Number579-100186

Primary RA, Dec: J200021:41:42.78 27:07:36.97
mv primary11.1 APASS
mv secondary12.7 APASS
Primary PM in RA15.1
Primary PM in Dec8.0
Secondary PM in RA16.1
Secondary PM in Dec9.7
Primary UCAC4 Number586-119848
Secondary UCAC4 Number586-119837

Note: The 10.3mv (APASS) star at ρ = 17.5", θ = 135° from the primary is not a part of this system.

Primary RA, Dec: J200021:42:46.68 57:1:59.16
mv primary11.4 APASS
mv secondary12.0 F
Primary PM in RA8.3
Primary PM in Dec4.2
Secondary PM in RA5.2
Secondary PM in Dec5.8
Primary UCAC4 Number736-079756
Secondary UCAC4 Number736-079755

Primary RA, Dec: J200021:56:24.1 48:28:44.31
mv primary12.4 APASS
mv secondary12.8 F
Primary PM in RA9.9
Primary PM in Dec-5.7
Secondary PM in RA10.2
Secondary PM in Dec-3.4
Primary UCAC4 Number693-105883
Secondary UCAC4 Number693-105890


1) The Fourth US Naval Observatory CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC4). Zacharias, et al, 2012.

2) Aladin web site

3) The Washington Double Star Catalog Brian D. Mason, Gary L. Wycoff, William I. Hartkopf, Geoffrey G. Douglass, and Charles E. Worley, 2001.